Dr John Celes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sonnet: Almighty’s Face

When Death has come upon my body, then
My soul has been released to Heaven’s gate,
To the Almighty, to decide my fate-
My soul to be turned to Hell or to Heaven.

Sonnet: Live Usefully

Oh, how they sprout fast, flourish- trees in wild!
To generate tons of fruits, flow’rs and seeds;
And how their leaves and twigs fail to get piled!
Who knows what fauna uses them as feeds?

Sonnet: Heaven Is For All Good Men

God's Salvation is meant for all mankind;
'Tis not the right of any one great clan;
The Heathens too from Nature, God's code, bind,
Thus, God will be revealed to every man.

Sonnet: The Place For Hermits

Why hermits choose to live alone so high?
Why saints choose forests for building their huts?
By keeping off cities, crowds bring God nigh;
Such decisions require real guts.

Sonnet- Whither Research Today

Research has reached the fringe of disciplines,
And opened new vistas for newer fields;
So exciting are these grey areas since,
Mankind ventures forth to improve its yields.

Sonnet- The World Could Be One Nation

Can not this world become a Paradise?
If man respects and loves his neighbour well,
Humanity should relinquish sin/vice,
Can then anyone ever go to hell?

Sonnet – Follow God’s Way

God has been kind to all of us, we know;
Without His blessings, we can’t be what we are;
All good and bad, to him alone we owe;
He will guide us in the journey of afar.

Sonnet: In Married-Life

Man, give your body to your wife and love
Her wholeheartedly whenever you can;
Woman, you give yourself to him and prove
The world of yours is him- the only man!

Poem: Think Anew

Just little drops of water,
make the mighty ocean!
And little acts of kindness,
puts aggrieved heart in motion!

Sonnet: The World Ahead

Our children grow up faster, every day;
Years roll away unnoticed, stealthily;
Adults will soon be old; some gone away;
ome live with grief; some souls leave happily.

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