Dr John Celes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sonnet: To My Wife

Our marriage comes just once a life-time dear;
Yet, anniversaries could come often;
Our sacred bond must instill love, not fear,
And help us reach our goal, which is Heaven.

Sonnet: A Barn Owl Finds A New Home

A Barn Owl found its home anew atop
The college building lofty, four-storeyed;
It lives a quiet life with none to stop
Its flight or rest or observation, feed!

Then, Why Do People Forget God?

Not a single plant or twig or leaf can grow
From nothingness or on its own;
Not a single bud can blossom, flower or seed
Without the nod from Maker God!

The Meaning Of Christmas

The greatest gift of God to man is Christ!
The love for creature man that God displayed;
Born in a manger of Virgin Mary,
By the power of the Holy Spirit,

Sonnet: Noise Pollution

What loud a music people keep these days!
And blaring horns preach God’s word every day;
And this they seem to do almost always!
A menace no one bothers anyway.

Sonnet: The Greatest Joy On Earth Is Children

The greatest joy on earth is our children;
To see them born healthy and grow up well;
To see them acquire God's precious ken,
That guides them to Heaven, avoiding hell.

Sonnet: The Wind

What shakes the trees so violently? ’Tis Wind;
What moves the clouds hither/ thither? ’Tis Wind;
What takes the tornado around? ’Tis Wind;
What brings the sandstorm on the earth? ’Tis Wind.

The Original Sin Of Adam And Eve In The Garden Of Eden

The devil knew that Eve was weak;
So chose to tempt the lady first;
A Liar by nature, Satan,
It asked Eve tell what God had bid.

Modern Science – Boon Or Bane?

Though Science has made forays with time,
And given men luxurious life,
Not everything that’s modern called,
Is good for mankind’s stay on earth!

A Tribute To My Beloved Mom On Mothers’ Day,2013

Lodged in your womb, my belov’d mom,
You gave me birth for naught, a sum,
And suffered labour-pains for me,
To taste the world, God made to see!

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