Dr John Celes Poems

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A Dental Poem

Natural teeth are best for men;
See the dentist now and then;
Don’t eat more of sugar stuff;
Don’t chew tobacco or puff!

Swachh Bharat, Swasth Bharat (Bharathiya)

Hygiene is prime for healthy life;
Take care of body, mind;
Depression shouldn't seize you in strife;
In everything, joy, find.

Sonnet- The World Today(14)

People with intact eyes, yet appear blind;
Peop1e with alert ears seem not to hear;
People with intact nose, no sme11 can find;
People with every joy appear to tear.

Bhuddia Singh

A boy, four years’ of age, by mother sold,
Whose stamina was unusual for age;
Was discovered by a coach out in the cold,
And trained to be a marathon runner.

Sonnet: Union’s Strength

When ants in hundreds cut a snake, piece-meal,
The moral says that union is strength;
A smaller group can bigger foes too deal;
One’s brain-work matters, not the body length!

Sonnet: Like Father, So Son

A father loves that son, who most obeys,
And maintains sense of values in his life,
And tends to parents when old, in last days,
With faith in God, unswerving, amidst strife.

Kyrielle Sonnet: From Winter To Spring

Alas! When winter left the world so bare,
with trees and plants denied of their welfare,
the birds begged God to change the sordid scene:
Spring sprung a surprise making landscape green!

To Mother, Sweet Mother (On Mother's Day,2012)

Sweet mother,
We remember
Our stay together,
With dear father!

Easter- Christ Has Risen

The tomb is empty
The stone’s rolled aside
His clothes are one side
Christ’s body isn’t inside

Sonnet: A Mother’s Role Could Be The Best!

A baby girl grown up has many roles;
The mother’s part she does, becomes her best;
Nevertheless, she passes in this test;
And leaves the world with many happy souls!

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