Dr John Celes Poems

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Futile Desperation

I tried to change the world,
But I could not;
I tried to change myself,
A life-time sped;

Almighty God Answers Prayers In His Mighty Ways!

Just when I thought most things were quite alright,
New problems started sprouting in my life;
I struggled to remain righteous in light,
But landed in overwhelming new strife!

Sonnet: To The Poet Tim Weaver

Much have I traveled ‘winged’ in realms of words;
And everywhere, I planted just good seed;
Some fell road-side; some eaten by strange birds;
A happy day to me, a Muse, indeed!

Oh, Let Me Die (A Trijan Refrain Poem)

Oh, let me die a natural death
Lord, when my stay here ends;
When I have seen all beautiful earth,
And I have made amends;

Drive Slowly And Safely!

Your life is much more precious nowadays!
What matters most is keeping your life safe!
Only a fool would commit suicide;
A serious crime if you do homicide.

When...What Only Can You Do, Except To Pray!

When loss is irreparable,
When life is irretrievable,
Ailment, irremediable,
What only can you do,

Adam And Eve

God made Eve for lonely Adam;
Satan lied to her about the Tree of Life.
Both fell to Tempter’s apple-trick, vile and lie;
and God drove them out of Eden for life-time.

On Anger In Life

Your anger over such small things
should not hurt parents, siblings much,
for they have share in your success,
whether you accept it or not.

Soul-Care For After-Life

Freedom we are given
To do the things we please
And if wrong goes something,
We blame God for everything.

Sonnet: God Alone Heals

O God, Thou Physician par excellence!
Thou art the Healer of every ailment;
Disease can’t strike without Thine allowance;
Thou knowest man’s body, mind’s temperament.

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