Dr John Celes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sonnet: Be Useful In Life

What use is Gold as biscuits, nuggets, dust?
Put it to use and never keep idle;
Unlike Iron, may be it can nev'r rust;
How nice to see it made into jewel!

Sonnet: The Himalayan Tragedy

When grief engulfs a Kingdom overnight,
As royal family members are found dead:
There aren’t apt words describing people’s plight;
All had been shot, the crown prince in his head!

Sonnet-Avoid 'Caesars'

Most new-born born are via Naturalis;
The modern wor1d has made `caesars' rampant!
More suff 'ring is followed by much more bliss;
Let’s follow Nature; Be not adamant.

Sonnet: Realities Of Life

Some people known to us can act funny;
They have an air of pride o’er things they’ve done;
Life’s weather does not always stay sunny!
With past forgotten, days appear just fun.

Sonnet: God Tv’s Tenth Birthday

A charismatic couple rings in souls;
Their aim to bring Jesus to homes turns true;
They deliver the Bible through ‘Sky-holes’!
A billion souls, Holy Spirit will woo.

Sonnet-On Spouse-Hunting

To some, it seems-the most difficult job,
-getting a spouse of one's liking and taste;
Despite all care, many finally sob;
Rebuking themselves for their mighty haste.

Things Can’t Go On Like This For Very Long!

Sometimes, in life, I am within a maze;
I know God helps me out in any case;
Sometimes, I find it difficult to trace
My direction true in this earthly race!

This Is The Day!

‘I’m the Truth, the Way and the Light’, says the Lord;
May be, you’ve missed Him all along and remained in the dark;
May be, you’ve missed hearing His call;
May be, you’re engrossed in your problems all;

Sonnet: A Sterile Person

I am a river-bed that’s dry for long;
There was no rain in the mountains up-stream;
Neither is there melting of snow, bird-song;
Utterly shattered is my watery-dream.

Sonnet: Ignore The Worldly Man

Ignore the man who goes after the money;
Ignore the man who is after power;
The former looses soon life’s harmony;
The latter turns akin an earth-mover!

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