Dr John Celes Poems

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The First Guava Fruit

My guava plant had buds, flowers;
I nurtured it with patience great;
I longed to taste the plant's first fruit;
And lo! I saw a fruit unripe!

In Life On Earth…

The west is not always the best
And east not always the worst;
The north is indiscernible;
The south is unexplainable.

The Inner Voice - Conscience

Laws on earth can be made, unmade;
Laws can be bettered or worsened by change;
Laws may be just or unjust and never perfect;
Laws can be changed for comfort and convenience.

God’s Gifts To Man

One finger gone can make one look ugly;
One missing leg can make life so dreary;
One scar on face can ruin complexion;
One eye that’s blind can make life difficult.

God Is Truth And Truth Is God

As God is truth,
And truth is God,
The truth about God
Is that truth cannot lie;

Sonnet: Our Children Is Our True Wealth

How nice to see one's children win applause?
What joy when children perform truly great?
How lovely seeing them live for a cause!
What thrill to see them get rewards till date.

Sonnet-Easter's Coming Fast

The Lent has started once again this year;
The time to fast, abstain from spirits, meat;
The time to curb amorous sounds by ear;
The time to be holy; pray more, less eat.

Sonnet: A Village-Life Is Better

A city-life has gone to dogs these days,
With problems of water, shelter and food;
The cost of living has gone up always;
The ‘luxury’ cannot keep one’s health good!

Sonnet: 'Ask And Ye Shall Receive! '

King Solomon asked God for great wisdom,
To rule his subjects justly all his life;
He blundered not but did mistakes seldom,
And thanked God for this gift amidst his strife!

A Tribute To The Holy Father, Pope Benedict Xvi

Message: “But, let there be one flock and one Shepherd.”

The world has got a Pope anew!
His name is Joseph Ratzinger;

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