Dr John Celes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sonnet: Who Makes Money Wisely?

The ones who tend to make money in life
Are not the truly talented or skilled,
And those who fight their challenges in strife,
Nor those whose minds and hearts are problem-filled.

If You'Re A Christian Then,

If you're a Christian then,
Carry you must your cross,
And walk in Christ's foot-steps,
To Calvary all life.

A Poet's Summer Song

The scorching summer sun had blazed to peak,
The weary earthlings could not even cry,
The wind stood still and sultriness had spread,
The ground surface looked cracked and trees were dry,

The Making Of Eve, The First Woman

The God of goodness, love immense,
Believed that man shouldn't be alone,
So made for him a helper fit;
From earthly clay, He made each beast,

Our Children Are Our Real Wealth And Bliss

God gave us daughters two,
And they have been quite good;
But times seem very bad,
And yet, they make us glad.

Evergreen Memories

Though green grass turns yellow,
And men with age mellow,
Yet evergreen in mind and heart
Are childhood thoughts, and one’s sweetheart,

To Nursing Today (International Nursing Day 2014-05-12)

Wear a smile and do your part;
Keep your cheer and do your craft;
Put your soul and keep your heart;
Make nursing, a glorious art!

Be Humane, Human Being First!

You’re human being with a soul;
You are much better than a beast;
You are God-made from special clay;
So, love your neighbour, come what may!

Little Flower Of Jesus Christ - ‘st. Therese Of Lisieux'

O little Flower of Jesus Christ!
How young and yet so wise, you turned!
And showed the world that heaven's first;
For love of Christ, your heart well burned!

Zachaeus Upon The Sycamore Tree

Many of us have heard of Christ;
Some of us know Jesus so well;
Christ is always passing by nigh;
Should we not have a better glimpse?

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