Dr PJ Raj Kamal

Dr PJ Raj Kamal Poems

There once was a paleontologist lady
An amateur researcher to say strictly
She dug here and there
For fossils, everywhere

Oh! there is a guy who has stage fright
So terrible on stage is his plight
And as he trembles
For words he fumbles

Don't ever in public pick your nose
It can annoy others and your boss
A nasty habit
And you must break it

Naughty boy chased a frog
It leaped, leaped
O'er the garden grass
Like a small bouncing ball

There once was a giant African snail
It was but caught and jailed without bail
For committing a crime
Of munching too much lime

Let us kids, say no to plastic
To it together we'll all stick
It pollutes for sure
Soil, water and air

Cute puppies play
Biting mother's tail
While she turns
And turns around

A house gecko
From a corner of my study

A wasp
does come and go
Would it sting me, I gasp!
And is building nest in my chest

Keep off fast food and its kind
Taste that kills body and mind
For adulterants
And pollutants

I wish I were young to go back
To the country side, slack off under the shady jack
Row along with the leaves in a cool breeze
Then to plunge in a pool of deep silence

There was a guy with a good hand writing
Soon he lost it and felt it a bad thing
So practice he took
In the four line book

Dear acha amma
Your achu kichu
is sitting upright

Our Kelly has a pot belly
What others call a beer belly
It goes before him
But never to a gym

A bunny and it's mother hare
Came out of their burrow unaware
That the grass was cut
For the new pizza hut

Kelly has got a pot belly
What others call a beer belly
It goes before him
But never to a gym

Oh! they are so much important organs
Eyes, ears so on in pairs God hath given
Look, kidneys too a pair
Still, one heart not unfair

There once was a meteorologist gent
People quizzed wherever he went
Hey, will it rain today?
He'd say right away

The Best Poem Of Dr PJ Raj Kamal


There once was a paleontologist lady
An amateur researcher to say strictly
She dug here and there
For fossils, everywhere
And made a graveyard of science quickly

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Life is short anyway; make it shorter taking medicines if sick; or else it'll be one shortest.

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