Edgar Eslit Poems

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Filipino Diaspora

Pilipino diaspora, brave and strong,
You leave your home and loved ones, and travel far and long.
Your blood and life are the driving force that propels you forward,
In search of better opportunities, with hope as your reward.


Know what you’re fighting for
For if not, it could led to something more
More than anything that had caused you trouble
Trouble making you miserable

Her Idea Of A Macho Man

I’m not into color, height and looks; she said.
Neither that in fame and action, heavens forbid.
Nor in riches and so hunky if I may call.
But he who got principle: he

It’s All Because

I write poetry because
I think of you

I think of you because

Ganay Sa Huni Ug Awit

Tipaka ug mga pataw sa kagahapon
Handuraw, kilansing, tam-is handumon
Hangin aliloyong kon bat-baton
O, dagahab, nanoy, bahandi-anon!

Ode To Grandmother

Grandmother, you are the light of my life,
With your love and wisdom that never strife.
You are the foundation of our family,
With your strength and grace, a symbol of majesty.

Ode To Teachers

Teachers of our land, revered and strong,
Your guidance and your wisdom, help us belong.
You are the guardians of knowledge, the keepers of our past,
Your love and dedication, forever shall last.

Growing Salt

The brackish color of the dune
is telling us of our untimely parting.
While it may be a fact
that it pained us a lot,

Way Wide Word (Food For The Mortal Soul 2)

If there’s anything worth keeping
In the entirety of our lives
That is our family
Anything more

Lover's Lane

I ask
You answer
I answer & you ask

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