Efren Petalver Carranza Poems

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In An Awe Of A Brilliant Morning

Under the tropic of laden sky
It casts a brilliant morning
With tassels of raindrops
Dancing with the wind

Beware Of What Your Cp Can Do

Just after dusk before Pacquiao’s fight,
An alarm went off on my townhouse street;
It sounded like mine, so I lagged my FB fit,
Rushed out and saw an old lady’s in fright.

A Piece Of Opinion For The 99% Occupy

The selfish-rich may not see or understand
How a man reaches the depth of his pocket
Fiddles these coins on the palm of his hand
And looks for grace of his hunger and thirst

All Of My Greatest Thanks!

Let my heart speaks to you now, my brothers
Sisters who raised me by the absence of mother
That weaned my childhood's ignorance of death
And of which love I had yet to learn since birth


The time of each year to learn from the past and change for the future;
To forgive those who’ve done wrong and reconcile each one’s mistakes;
For there’s another place to go on living without hatred and fear;
And there we find the glory of God for us who believes in Him;

Ex-Lover Met In Fb: The Wicked Truth

Snippets of doubt, one cannot reason
Trust, when once betrayed, it’s lost
That each lies only led to suspicion
And jealousy pushes love to the edge

In The Speed Of Time

Again the sun painted the sky blue, orange, gray;
Then through the castles of clouds a full moon shines,
With every earth’s breath let the wind chimes play,
While the birds dwell in their leafy shrines,

The Lucky Charm

……And suddenly
The colors of the rainbow appeared
Across the pathway of an airplane rushed
Through the sprinkle of rain in the morning sun

Re-Phrased Memory


Take me back to the day I was whole,
And set the clock where it started all.

My Theory Of Hate

God created the cycle of human
With different knowledge to share
So we can learn from each other
As we grow in His hands.

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