Elizabeth Sheaffer Poems

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Alone In The Crowd

Sitting at a desk in a brightly lit room,
Surrounded by people, but still so alone...
Fighting a feeling of impending doom;
A chill in the room that cuts to the bone.

Can Death Come Calling If You Don'T Have A Telephone?

The sky opens up before your eye
And the rain comes pouring from the sky.
There's an old tree tap-tap-tapping on the door;
It's that tap-tap-tapping you abhor.

Lost In My Dreams (Insanity Reigns)

Torn at the seams;
Can't pick myself up.
Lost in my dreams...
But they're all full of lust.

A Love Not Returned, A Heart That Still Yearns...

Lying alone on this cold winter's eve
My thoughts of you seem never to cease.
O, how I long for the feel of your skin!
What I wouldn't give to hear your voice again!

Seventeen Seconds Of Desperation

Seventeen degrees bring a chill into the air.
Seventeen years brought little but despair.

Birthday Wishes

Seventeen candles burn so bright.
Voices meld together in celebratory song.

And The Storm Rages On

Lightning illuminates the gnarled branches
Of the old tree outside the windowpane
Rain trickles down the glass in clear rivulets
But the storm inside is much worse than out

Crimson Carpets At Dusk

You're sitting on the couch, watching TV.
Wishing that you could be watching me.
Wanting me only to exist.
Needing nothing save one last kiss.

Drops Of Crimson On The Pillowcase

Crimson Raindrops fall
from a Black Sky of regret.
Crimson Tears rain down the
Twisted, Contorted Face of

Lost Within Myself (Bi-Polarity Comes Knocking)

Life's catastrophe
Mental apathy
Feeling empty,
Lost, and dazed.

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