Emma Kessler Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Trees Of Paper, Pools Of Ink

I pass the shallow pool
And the water nymphs smile up at me
Out of the water, with angelic, childlike faces

You Killed Me

Hot eyes
Burning salt
Dried on my skin
Constantly replenished

Too Far, Too Fast

I feel like I'm falling
In too deep, to quickly
Too far, too fast

Words Fill My Head

When Did That Change?

You look at me, and I find
That I have no desire to look back
You smile at me, and I find
That my stomach stand still

No Better Passage

There is no better passage than a book
To take us worlds away
To make us forget everthing
That has troubled us through the day

He'Ll Never Notice

She speaks quickly
and with a heavily forced ease
As she reveals the identity
of his new love

The Challenge

A challenge
That's what it is
I never realized it until now
Whether you intend it or not

Master Of The Masks

This one here with cheeks like roses
And lips parted into a magnetic smile
This is the one I'll wear when I have to please even the vile

The Person In The Photograph

Who is that person looking back at me?
That form in the photograph?
The face in it seems familiar
Like a skin

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