Trees Of Paper, Pools Of Ink Poem by Emma Kessler

Trees Of Paper, Pools Of Ink

Rating: 5.0

I pass the shallow pool
And the water nymphs smile up at me
Out of the water, with angelic, childlike faces

Fairies are hiding in the trees
If I look carefully I may see one
Blue, purple, brown with sparkling wings
That shimmer when they dance in the moonlight
Be quick and you might catch one

Night settles in and I must watch
For the darker things of the forest
Light a fire to keep away creatures and ghouls

Somewhere off in the distance
I hear a voice, it's calling my name
It grows louder, and clearer, until
I look up, from my book
Into my bedroom

It takes a while for the words to leave my mind
The ink stains that created images to disperse
It is only my sister searching for a lost thing
She hopes I may have

I turn back to my book
Read the words, flip the page
Absorbed, my adventure continues
I hear something, a creature
Rustling through the underbrush, coming closer
What could it be?
Quick! I must hide...........

Gul naz 14 March 2010

beautiful poem i liked it also because i love books too.

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Sarah Marie 20 February 2010

This is a very nice poem. That is exactly how I feel about my books just like it is my own world. I lovve it well done.

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John Raubenheimer 09 February 2010

This poem has a the limpid clarity of a forest pool. I don't think you need the line of introduction (You repeat it at the end, so you must be worried that the poem's meaning won't be clear) . Just have confidence in what you've written.

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Naseer Ahmed Nasir 07 February 2010

It was an amazing, truly amazing poem. Beautifully and spontaneously written. I was lost in the reading. The title was very catchy. You have a great poetic sensibility, Emma. Please keep writing. Best Wishes. Naseer

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