Ernestine Northover Poems

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Ups And Downs

So precious are our days upon this earth,
From life's very start, at our moment of birth,
Through our childhood years, so free from cares,
Then into adulthood, with its many shares

Panorama Of Carmine

Berries festooning shrubs, hedges and trees,
Crimson and scarlet in profusion they cluster.
And stay hanging on as the winds start to bluster,
These fruits, to the birds, all hunger appease.

A Treasure Sought

A pyracantha heavy with berries red,
Climbs strongly from the flower bed,
And radiates a warm cheerful sight,
Its rich fruit, a hungry bird's delight.


Coffee beans all ground up,
Coffee in my favourite cup,
Coffee black, coffee white,
Coffee dark, coffee light,

A Trustworthy Guardian

A lighthouse
stands lofty,
tall and straight,
erect in its stark

Gracing The Garden

Stone sundial, an age old keeper of time,
You stand forlorn.
Motionless, soundless, waiting for rime,
Lichened and worn.

Through The Window

Sorrow's inside me, how the tears seep
Unhindered from my eyes, loss to convey,
But through the window glints of sunshine peep,
And lift my spirit, softening the day.

Intriguing Creations

Canvas sails of the windmill, secured to their whips,
Circle around on slow orbital trips.
No hurrying to speed the day’s hours away,
The winds hold them captive, they have to obey.

A Rejuvenated You

Sit and let the world go by,
Dream your dreams, give a sigh,
Let your imagination fly,
Into directions new.

Globally Mirrored

Our earth is globally mirrored within small tear shaped droplets,
Something that is magical, yet real.
Swallowed so greedily by the dehydrated blue tits,
Quenching thirsts, from time primordial.

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