Eugene W. Miller

Eugene W. Miller Poems

Once again it's Christmas Time,
time for us to be,
Busy wrapping presents
and setting up the tree.

I've tried and tried to find the words
That poetry must express
The rhyme, the meter and the theme
With contents that would impress

As time goes by it brings Memories to Mind
Some things I enjoyed, some I did not find
I've trodded the Earth to find me a Plan
Put My Trust in God and in My fellow Man. I gazed up to the Sky as Clouds slowly passed

I wish I were a Poet
I sure would love to be
Then I could put on paper
These thoughts inside of me,

The Best Poem Of Eugene W. Miller

True Meaning Of Christmas

Once again it's Christmas Time,
time for us to be,
Busy wrapping presents
and setting up the tree.
It seems we have so many things,
to think of and to do,
We may forget that Christmas,
has a deeper meaning too.
A meaning that goes far beyond,
the things the eye can see,
Such as Holly wreaths, Mistletoe,
and Gifts beneath the tree.
For these are only Symbols,
of what happened Christmas morn,
When in a little manger,
GOD's only Son was born.
GOD put HIM here upon this Earth,
with one idea in mind.
To put New Hope around the World,
and LOVE in all Mankind.
So even though we're busy,
and have many things to do,
Let's not forget that Christmas,
has a deeper Meaning too.

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