Felicia Dorothea Hemans Poems

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The Homes Of England

The stately homes of England
How beautiful they stand!
Amidst their tall ancestral trees,

Address To Fancy

OH, queen of dreams! 'tis now the hour,
Thy fav'rite hour of silence and of sleep;
Come, bring thy wand, whose magic pow'r,

Carolan's Prophecy

A sound of music, from amidst the hills,
Came suddenly, and died; a fitful sound
Of mirth, soon lost in wail.–Again it rose,

A Domestic Scene

'Twas early day - and sunlight stream'd
Soft through a quiet room,
That hush'd, but not forsaken, seem'd -
Still, but with nought but gloom;

A Parting Song

When will ye think of me, my friends?
When will ye think of me?
When the last red light, the farewell of day,

Arabella Stuart

And is not love in vain,
Torture enough without a living tomb?

Christmas Carol

FAIR Gratitude! in strain sublime,
Swell high to heav'n thy tuneful zeal;
And, hailing this auspicious time,
Kneel, Adoration! kneel!

The Graves Of A Household

They grew in beauty, side by side,
They fill'd one home with glee;
Their graves are sever'd, far and wide,
By mount, and stream, and sea.

Edith: A Tale Of The Woods

The woods? oh! solemn are the boundless woods
Of the great Western World, when day declines,
And louder sounds the roll of distant floods,

A Voyager's Dream Of Land

His very heart athirst
To gaze at nature in her green array,
Upon the ship's tall side he stands, possess'd

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