Francis Duggan Poems

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A November Day

The pleasant scent waft in the breeze of the freshly mown hay
And the blackbird singing sweetly in the warm sun of the day
And the capeweed in their yellow blooms in their billions one can see
In the paddocks and roadside margins by the roadway to the sea

There's No Secret In Being A Good Person

There's no secret in being a good person in being a good woman or man
You can only live as good as you can live and live for as long as you can
You can help one in need of help out of trouble you can do a good deed every day
There's no secret in being a good person it's that some people are born that way.

Without Death, Bloodshed And Suffering

Without death, bloodshed and suffering wars are never won
And only hatred and grief survives when the fighting is done
And war heroes honoured in every war street parade
By war men the memories of war not allowed for to fade

A Homeless Man

When compared to mine his dreams are very humble he does not seek much out of life at all
A small flat he could call his home to live in compared to most his wishes seem quite small
At sixty seven years he's on the street and homeless a Winter dawn is breaking cold and gray
With long gray beard and looking thin and shabby he walks uptown as he does every day.

To Glorify War Heroes

Though talk of war and death and such I do not wish to hear
To glorify war heroes we have the balladeer
The old men displaying their medals march on war memorial day
Though they look tired and weary now and they are old and gray.

The Kiwi

The National bird of New Zealand is the kiwi
Once plentiful but now considered rare
Before the coming of the colonizers
These ratites were abundant in the Islands everywhere.

The Family Man

He does not yearn for to be the toast of the town
Or he has never daydreamed of widespread renown
Quite happy with his lot his type becoming rare
Down to earth and unassuming and so self aware

Soulmates As True Soulmates

If you have found your soulmate on your journey through life
In a partner or husband or lover or wife
Then you are quite lucky as lucky can be
Since soulmates are rare with that would you agree?

A Beautiful March Day

A beautiful March day in Autumn the sun shining bright in the clear sky
The silver billed magpie is piping and white butterflies in the park fly
The magpie larks searching for slugs and insects from time to time call out pee wee
Familiar in their song and habits and birds that one often does see

The Pride Of Canovee

He played for Cork in red and white and Millstreet in green and gold
And if he is with the living now he must be seventy years old
A champion Gaelic footballer when he was in his prime
And he was one who more than once inspired the bards to rhyme.

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