Francis Duggan Poems

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Song Of Mid March

Though moody winds of March blow down the hill
And the air still has the touch of Winter's chill
The year's first flowers their brilliant hues display
And sun shine days cannot be far away.

Some Famous Poets

Some famous poets lived most unhappy lives and their broken dreams broken beyond repair
And some ended their lives in mental homes with their memory
gone and they looking the worst for wear,
One might say their fame to them of little use though famous poets are and were always rare

Christmas Coming Thoughts Of Spring

December and the trees are bare
And breath of Winter in the air
And holy, holy Christmas Day
One day less than a week away.

The Case Of The Gipsy's Son

The judge he jailed the gipsy's son
For the trivial thing which he had done
He had stolen from a farmer a second hand tweed coat
Which was valued at a ten pound note.

He Had His Chance To Save A Condemned Woman

He had his chance to show mercy just a few short years ago
For to spare the life of a condemned woman who was waiting on death row
Yet he refused her a reprieve and mercy to her did not show
Don't tell me of George W Bush 'mate' of him I already know.

A Letter Home

I remember in December it was cold and wet and gray
And I hope you keep the peat fire burning for to keep the chill away
From the lounge room and the bedroom you need warmth this time of year
Don't think I could live in Ireland I've got used of living here.


She sits on a timber seat in her back garden
The birds are singing on the sunlit trees
And the pleasant aroma of the flowers and roses
Come wafting to her in the gentle breeze.


They ask about Serena where is she now they say
She's not been seen in Victoria or Melbourne for many a day
She's living with her lover and doing quite okay
In Dunedin in New Zealand so many miles away.

The Selby Creek

The life support and sustenance of many a forest tree
It flows down through the undergrowth that reach up to the knee
From upper Selby through the wood by Puffing Billy track
The wood birds bathe in Selby creek and wash their wings and back.

Anthony's Day Out

Anthony's carers were going dancing and one of them asked her man
Will you take care of Anthony for four or five hour span
He's such a dear young fellow and good company for you
And where better place to spend the day than at the Royal Park Zoo.

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