Francis Duggan Poems

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Lottie Bowman

Thanks to Robert Vanderhope and Marianne his good wife
I was introduced to a woman who has known one hundred and two years of life
A beautiful person Lottie Bowman her name
Her great age alone is a just claim to fame

He Suffers From The Small Fellow Complex

He walks around in a swagger as if he were broad shouldered and tall
Though he does seem far from a giant to look at he is physically small
He has what is known as the small fellow complex one who is too big for his shoes
He is always looking for trouble after drinking a few cans of booze

Since I Left Claraghatlea A Mile From Millstreet Town

Since i left Claraghatlea a mile from Millstreet Town
I've traveled through many a countryside flat, wide and brown
But for my years i have little to show in financial gain
And only the memories with me do remain

Ignorance As Is Said Can Be Bliss

Some religious people and the government advise my kind on how to live though to them i am not even known
I wonder does it occur to them that i have a life of my own?
What they think of me is their business and their business cannot be mine
Without their advice and criticisms i am sure i could get along fine

The Only Way

The only way i can make the Human World better is for me to live as a good man
And anyone in need of helping for to help them out if i can
To never pass judgement on others and in words never put anyone down
And not be living for self interest only though plenty of such a type in every town

A Long Way South Of Near Clara

A long way south of Near Clara Mountain where i grew to a man from a boy
In this great far southern Country i have lived in Ballarat and Clifton Hill in Fitzroy
And in Mt Evelyn not far from Healesville where at dawn the kookaburra laugh and the currawong call as they fly
And in Belgrave in the Yarra Ranges where the tall gums seem to touch the sky

On Muhammad Ali

The greatest boxer that ever lived many venture to say
But a mere shadow of the man he used to be today
Time's clock on the life ever ticking away
On the great Muhammad Ali born as Cassius Clay

Anyone Can Pen Rhyme

It is true what is said anyone can pen rhyme
But the works of the true poets do live on in time
And the twenty first century literary critics the praises of the modern poets sing
It does seem that blank verse is now the in thing

It Does Seem Sad To Say

Suppose from life we receive what is only our due
And that self praise is no praise i hold to be true
But nowadays those not into self promotion in life may not succeed
Human values have changed very much so indeed

Your Past It Will Follow You

You may travel to Tokyo or Kathmandu
But wherever you go to your past follows you
You may live in Paris or London or New York or Rome
Your past it will follow you to your new home

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