Francis Duggan Poems

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You Must Keep Keeping On Sir

He feels his life is boring his better days are gone
But a tiny voice within him says you must keep keeping on
You must keep keeping on sir you are too young to die
You must live through your bad days for your good days to enjoy.

The Man From Nova Scotia

The man from Nova Scotia is powerfully built and tall
And beside him other fellows to say the least seem small
Perhaps in his late twenties he does seem slightly shy
And quite a gentle person he would not harm a fly.

He Is Into Self Promotion

He tells everyone who care to listen to him of my name you take note
Since you will hear of me again I'll be a famous poet
One day I'll be remembered in the Poetry Hall of Fame
And in the World of Literature mine will be a household name

Michael Lucey

In my Schooldays in the fifties he was one I used to know
A stocky blond haired youngster he died just a few years ago
He got married and he lived in Millstreet where his children to adults did grow
Within view of Clara Mountain and near where Finnow waters flow

The People I Don'T Wish To Meet

I see them one might say too often they either stare at me or ignore me as I walk down the street
In their eyes I must seem unfriendly the people I don't wish to meet
I've never harmed them or their children and they only know me by sight
But in their eyes I do seem a strange one and something about me not right.

The River That Flows Upside Down

It flows from the foot of Mt Baw Baw through many a Yarra Valley Town
The waterway known as the Yarra the river that flows upside down
It deepens and crawls at a snail's pace through Melbourne it always looks a muddy gray
The river that flows bottom to top I only quote what others say.

Those Who Want Power The Most Always Get It

Those who want power the most always get it and that's how it always will be
And that's why we have wars and famines and that's why we have poverty
The wealthy grow wealthier whilst the poor grow poorer and millions live on the brink of despair
Then suppose it depends on your own situation whether you think life is fair or unfair.

I Was Boy Of The Fifties

Above the brown mountain bogland skylark carols in the sky
And the soft piping of the curlew is always a thing of great joy
Spring is approaching the old Land closer with each passing day
And the wild birds will be nesting in March and April and May.

On The Danish Royal Visit

She is married to Prince Frederik of Denmark something of which most can only dream
But a princess by birth or inheritance is a princess or so it would seem
But I'm one who doesn't believe in royalty and about that I've always been frank
Since royalty stands for class distinction and I hate the snobbery of rank.

I'M One Of Those Under Achievers

I'm one of those under achievers at least that's the tag put on me
By those who measure the worth of people the faceless that we never see
Those who promote rank and class distinction and condone the social divide
Those who by their pigeon holing of people the dream of an Earthly Utopia have destroyed.

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