Francis Duggan Poems

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Despite What

Despite what the arrogant and the negative might say
Each person important in their own way
The facts tell us we all are equal and the facts never lie
Since sooner or later we all have to die.

Wisdom As Such

I recall from my young years I've often heard said
That a wise young person on his or her shoulders must have an old head
Doubtless in such a saying there's truth to be found
Though wise people in numbers not known to abound.

The Hero To Some

From the top of achievements ladder many everyday fall
And the hero to some is not a hero to all
It is a long climb to the summit of renown
With some only happy for to drag you down

The Ways Of Nature

Never seen a musk duck or little grebe on land in water they seem happy to stay
They are water birds in the true sense since that seems their natural way
Can't even say I have seen them flying though 'tis said they do fly by those in the know
I have so much to learn about Nature and my wonder of her only grow

Have You Ever Wished

Have you ever wished your luck would turn your life crosses so heavy to bear
Your financial woes keep increasing yet you know your type are not rare
With a wife and two young children to support and a huge mortgage on your home to pay
You have to work hard for a living and for you never an easy day

Success, Wealth And Failure

Success, wealth and failure anonymity and fame
One day it will not matter all will be the same
We are only born for to live and die
That's only a fact of life and facts do never lie

A Cranky Octogenarian

The old bloke in the house at the corner has turned eighty three
And age has not left him mellow he is as cranky as can be
He hates his next door neighbour and his next door neighbour's wife
He argues with them often he likes trouble in his life.

I Struggle For A Sense Of Identity

I struggle for a sense of identity
And I do not know the person who is me
The use by date from me not far away
As I struggle on through life from day to day

She Is The One Never Destined To Die

To father time the one who never bow
She will be here in a million years from now
My sheer awe of her I never could deny
But to understand her ways why waste one's time to try

You Who Say You Do Not Love Nature

You who say that you do not love Nature I wonder about you I do
'Tis sad to think you are not a rare one there are many others like you
You claim that Land for Wildlife should be developed for houses and the old growth trees on them cut down
We are in need of far more houses to add to the size of the town

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