Francis Duggan Poems

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Australia's Little Ravens

That they are clever birds of them i only know
Australia's little raven or otherwise the pale eyed crow
Where i live they are birds i do see every day
They are good at surviving of them one can say

Though His Here To Many

Though his here to many is not a known face
He is one who is an asset to the place
Since he does love Nature and for wildlife truly does care
Everyplace nowadays in need of the environmentally aware

Good Memories Of Her Smiling Face

A pretty looking woman in her mid fifties maybe
One i had not seen before quite a stranger to me
With shoulder length wavy hair dyed blond for to disguise her gray
Smiled at me in passing and bid me good day

Most Of Them Do Believe

Good memories of them for their bravery many wish to recall
But many true heroes do not believe they are heroes at all
They say what they had done most others in their situations would do the same
And they do not welcome the glorification of fame

One Of Many

Her wonders are many in truth one can say
Though of her we do learn something new every day
But the more we learn of her the more we realize
That of her we know little this not a surprise

What Is Life

We have been learning from life before we learned how to crawl
But of life for a moment have you ever wondered at all
What it is about since the great to the small
Eventually like the leaves of the deciduous trees to Nature's reaper must fall

Knowledgeable One

We are told that for knowledge you at least need a uni degree
And that such a thing does not grow on a bush or a tree
But i know of a young mother she is thirty three
And there are few i know as knowledgeable as she

Gray Shrike Thrushes

From forested country they never venture far
They are birds one sees often where many trees are
And they are quite familiar to me
On the borders of woods them i often does see

One To Be Derided

One to be derided by those of the lowest form of verbal wit
And by them often laughed at but never laughed with
Sadly a few like him in every town
As targets for the ignorant yobbos for to be put down

People Who Give To Receive

Humanity does have a negative side
And the good and the bad to be found Worldwide
But i must be lucky in truth i can say
In the nice and kind people i meet every day

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