Francis Duggan Poems

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Today Is Supposed To Be Raining

The sun shining bright on the Parkland on the second day of the Fall
And amidst the buzzing of the bush flies the black and white magpie larks call
By the weather forecast today is supposed to be raining but we will not have rain today
Even weather experts are prone to error such is life some are known to say,

Not Much To Report Of

Not much to report of in Hawkesdale last night
Even at the pub things did seem very quiet
No verbal disagreement that could lead to a fight
Though one man was heard singing in the moonlight,

Old Digger Luke

Old digger Luke is feeling down and I often hear him say
It would not worry me at all were I to die today
Why should I fear the grim reaper after all I've been through
Since I fought in the trenches in Europe in World War 2.

Big Joe The One Time Millionaire

If you climb six steps of eighteen step ladder you don't have that far to fall
And you won't know great disappointment if your dreams are only small
And those who scaled the heights of success had to climb up all of the way
And many who have reached the summit at the summit could not stay.

Somewhere In Life

I come from a rural and working class background
Though in that group some feel I don't belong
And the literary dons shun me as a poetaster
Somewhere in life I must have got it wrong.

A Stranger In Kilcorney

He said I'd be a stranger in Kilcorney now and none there I might know
For I left that place in forty eight more than fifty years ago
And I was only twenty then the years have made me slow
And I show the wear and tear of time my hair as white as snow.

Con Dennehy

Though Con Dennehy his proper name we knew him as ''Snowball'
And by nickname he had for years he became known to all
And how his nickname came to him I never did find out
Though some day one may tell to me how snowball came about.

An Interesting Possibility

I've been pondering on stories I've been told the other day
About quiet man Kevin Cuddy and lovely Anna Belle McKay
Some say Anna Belle loves Kevin some say it's the other way
And who to believe or not to is not for me to say.

San Remo

'Tis too big to be called a village and 'tis too small to be called a town
But San Remo bordering Phillip Island has it's own just claim to renown
As a place of great natural beauty a ten seconds walk to the sea
A gem in the heart of South Gippsland as most holiday makers agree.

Live For As Long As You Can

You do feel suicidal know of financial strife
But live for as long as you can you only have one life
You are not a Jesus he rose from the dead
At least we are told and in scriptures have read

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