Frank McEleny

Frank McEleny Poems

I held him safe within my womb
And kissed him in the birthing room
I held his hand in sickness too
And now I don't know what to do

I went into the world and it broke me down
And the lord of this world said " now where's your crown"
And the truth of it was I had nothing left inside
I had no where to run, I had no where to hide

Will you trust me in the valley deep?
Will you trust me as you lay down to sleep?
Yes I will trust you despite the pain
Yes I will trust you without any gain

Plant me by the rivers, Oh Living God
That I may drink of thee
Plant me by the rivers oh Living God
Make me like an evergreen tree

Oh brightest of the brightest stars
You shine out greatly in the darkest night
And all around the darkness falls
Yet you do not, you stand and fight


To all the boys who never cried
My heart it weeps for you

You made the sun and the moon
And all this with Love
You put the stars in the heavens
And the clouds high above

The wicked seem to be at rest
They are clothed in violence and pride
Yet desolation and terror awaits
When death surrounds their every side

I bore you up on eagles wings
And took you to my heart
When troubles are all the enemy brings
Know that we shall never part

When my heart is overwhelmed
And grief comes flooding in
I lift my eyes to higher ground
Where there's no pain or sin

Arise oh God and lift up your hand
For all around the wicked do stand
Like a lion in the den, they secretly wait
Crouched at the door, waiting at the gate

Were you there when Jesus bled
Before the cross, in sins were dead
By your hand in Christ were led
On to victory

I shall dwell in the secret place
And kneel before your throne of grace
I shall look upon your holy face
And abide in the shadow of the Almighty

Make a joyful noise oh lands
Do not dwell in sadness
Come before His presence
And serve the Lord with gladness

I will sing of Your mercy and judgement
To all the peoples of the land
Mercy and judgement are my solid foundation
It's the ground upon which I stand

Hear my cries to You oh Lord
Hide not thy face in the day of my trouble
For my days are consumed in the flames of life
And my works are but wood, hay and stubble

Out of the depths of my soul I have cried
Will you hear me O Lord is my plea?
Will you come to me quickly in my distress?
Will you come Lord and set me free?

You welcomed me with open arms
Protected me from many harms
I found in you a warm embrace
I would find this in no other place

He took on the form of a bondservant
And came in the likeness of man
Glory stepped down into darkness
And the fulfillment of God's holy plan

Whether I live or whether I die
May Christ be magnified in me
Whether I go to my Father on high
Let Christ be all that they see

The Best Poem Of Frank McEleny

Poem For A Mother Whose Lost Her Son

I held him safe within my womb
And kissed him in the birthing room
I held his hand in sickness too
And now I don't know what to do

My son, my child, my flesh and bone
Has died and left me all alone
And in the night when no one sees
I cry and end up on my knees

I cry to God and ask Him why
My precious son he had to die
And when the morning light appears
That's one more night I've spent in tears

And as the years they slip away
I learn to live just day by day
I turn to God who was so far
I look to where the answers are

I put my hand into His hand
He pulls me up and now I stand
I hear my Father say to me
'My Son He died upon a tree

I know the pain that mothers feel
When life turns black and robs and steals
And takes a portion of your heart
And tears your very soul apart'

Oh Lord I pray, please make me whole
Replace the joy that life has stole
This pain, this loss, is part of me
But still I'm longing to be free

I choose to walk out through the door
And melancholy reigns no more
I leave behind the shades of grey
To walk in light, to kneel and pray

' Come to me child, I've heard your cry
I saw your tears when your child died
Rest in me and find your peace
Replace your pain and find release'

Despite the fact we had to part
You still live on within my heart
There'll never be a day go by
A tear wont fall from your mother's eye

Frank McEleny Comments

Lea- Beima Dorestin 31 December 2017

I love the Christian approach toward your poems. You surely will soar high!

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