Frank (popeye) Pulver Poems

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Stepping Away

I am a man that was stepping away
Actually my behaviors in life lead me astray
It was so easy to stat in such a life
But in actuality my actions caused me nothing but strife

Which Would The Best Road Be

As I grew up I did not think that it would be anything like this,
I thought as I grew that it would a great and happy bliss.
But as I grew older and I came to the Crossroads in Life,
It made me think did I want to take the road to the land of righteous or the road leading that was t accepted by many in the land of the strife.

Trust In Me

As our thoughts come together we know we are compressed.

This will make us think as one and we will be blessed.
Holding our hands together we know the way,

Race To The Promise Life

Treat Life as a Race to the Promise Life
Life will not slow down,
This is why we have to treat it like a race and to gain control and be fast,
So please, do not look at this as just something as a joke around.

Living A Life On The Streets

Think of this living a life being abused,
Think of this living a life feeling nothing but rejection.
Think of this living a life being used,
Think of this living a life giving up personal things for protection.

Symbolic Whispers

As we think of the memories of the ones we love,
We have trust that they went with the Lord from above.
Those times come to me as I remember you from the beginning to the end.
This always reminds me of why I consider you my best friend.

Stepping Stool In Life

It is written: The Light of the body is in the eyes,
Remember we should look and think before we do things,
Because what we see and do in the world.
No man can serve two masters,

Should Hire

Well let’s face getting older really gets me annoyed,
But nothing more when they company lays you off and you are unemployed.
No matter at times when I thought this job was extremely boring and bad,
Now it seems like it was one of the better jobs that I’ve had.

Shake Those Blues

This is why we need to do anything we can do to Shake Those Blues,
Even if we have to admit that we are worried and down and have no clue.
With this we need to get friends and rise up your spirit,
So you do not wind up in a casket.

Saying Goodbye

I was so happy in our first start,
Then next thing we know it started to fall apart.
Love is everything that I there was to know,

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