Gert Strydom Poems

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An Invocation To Bring Your Own Words To Power

My Lord and my God, who knows everything,
as a mere human I remind you today:
I call in my wretchedness to You in Your omnipotence
that You do not forget that I do love You,

What Does Remain?

(in answer to Daleen / Helena Enslin)

The rays of the sun caress as if you are kissing me,
I smell lucerne that is blue over the field,

An Invocation To Bring Your Own Words To Power 1

My Lord and my God, who knows everything,
as a mere human I remind you today:
I call in my wretchedness to You in Your omnipotence
that You do not forget that I do love You,

Gifts (Sicilian Sonnet)

You might have been God's great gift in my life,
where He tried to teach us about true love,
about peace and true joy like that of a dove,
where through the unstable years you are my wife,

My Christmas Gift To You

My Lord, what can I bring on Your birthday,
to You, my God and friend, as a human-being?
In Your hand is every wonderful thing.
Where You do exist in Your unending omnipotence

Your Christmas Gift To Me

My Lord, You know how my wife is a part
of my own humanity and spirit and soul,
I ask that you do heal our relationship,
You know how I have been missing her for months.

This Year Christmas (Italian Sonnet)

This year Christmas time for me is lonesome,
I am forced to spend it without you,
while still my love for you do remain true.
You are with yours and I on my own-some.

That Christmas Time Is Now Near (Italian Sonnet)

It's high summer in the last part of the year
in the Southern hemisphere of the earth,
here some people do not know of Christ's birth
or even that Christmas time is now near.

It's Extremely Close To You That I Want To Be

You are the God of my spirit and my soul,
You are close in every day and night,
You make my ways straight and you wait,
it's extremely close to You that I want to be.

I Can Find No Answers Anywhere

(in answer to Daleen / Helena Enslin)

I see days, weeks, months and a year
without you passing just too quickly,

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