Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Unlock Your Heart (Couplets)

Unlock your heart,
let me be of your life a part:

you are in all my imaginings,

Where The Ukrainians Win The Country Back

Where the Ukrainians win the country back,
town upon town is freed from the Russians,
where they find ruins and shocked people
and the Russians know these heroic people.

My Feelings I Cannot Hide (Italian Sonnet)

(for Annelize)

My heart-felt feelings I cannot now hide,
there is electricity when you are here

You Did Not Just Understand Me

(for Annelize, after Elisabeth Eybers)

You did not just understand me
but time and again you did stand by me,

Apocrypha: Psalm 90

Your body is the bread and Your blood the wine,
constantly You are here in fellowship
and at times I find poor broken people on the street,
where I cannot leave them to mercy.

When Darkness Wants To Bring Annihilation To Everything

(after William Butler Yeats)

The world is in pieces, it falls apart,
when darkness wants to bring annihilation,

Where Constantly I Do Love You More

(for Annelize, in answer to Lina Spies)

Outside lightning-bolts flash down blue-white,
and in the bright sunlight the rain pours down

Putin's Victory Day Parade For 9 May 2022 (Italian Sonnet)

From the dress-rehearsal at the Red-Grave
I know that eleven thousand troops are taking part
in a victory parade with patriotism at heart,
where the military is shown as strong and brave,

Arlena Barsecova (Sonnets)

Arlena Barsecova in the Ukraine
near Kiev as a pensioner aged seventy,
gave reports that to Russian movements appertain

Between Us There Is No Maze

1(for Annelize)

Between us there is no maze
where constantly we find each other,

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