Gert Strydom Poems

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About The True Leader Of The World

'Without faith it is impossible to
please God, for whoever comes to
Him must believe that He exists
and that he rewards those who

Ukraine Situation Report: Russian Invasion Day: 299

In the north-eastern Ukrainian counter-offence
in the Luhansk oblast Ukraine is pushing deep,
to five key cities the attacks sweep

Honour, Integrity, Absolute Truth And Love

Honour and integrity do require
being true to principles and reality,
even if in life we face abnormality,

One Hundred Thousand Lives Ago

In February a hundred thousand Russian lives ago
families in Russia was unbroken,
the decimation of Ukrainians unspoken,

The World At War On Christmas:

On Christmas day 1931

(in answer to I. D. du Plessis)

It's Christmas In The Last Part Of The Year 2

It's Christmas in the last part of the year
with a terrible war raging on the earth,
as both sides do celebrate Christ's birth
where the very next year is now near.

Ukraine Situation Report: Russian Invasion Day: 284

At Bahkmut Wagner has artillery superiority
with nine howitzers to every one of Ukraine,
to canon-fodder they sent their prisoner military,

To A Higher Calling

'my Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass
from me. Yet not what I want but what You want.' Matthew 26: 39

'My Father, if this cup cannot go away unless I

'You belong to your father the devil, and want to
carry out desires of your father. He was a murderer
from the beginning and has never stood for truth,
since there is no truth in him. Whenever he tells a

Ukraine Situation Report: Bahkmut At A Closer Look

Inside Bahkmut at a much closer glance
there are tank-barriers at each cross-road,
in a decimated landscape where humans abode,

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