Gert Strydom Poems

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The Cosmos Stand Overgrown (Free Verse Sonnet)

The cosmos stand overgrown in pastel colours this year
where everywhere those fragile flowers are to be found,
wild daisies are in the veldt spared from the frost,
in the veldt on the farm you and I are both like children,

To Love You More Sincerely (Free Verse Sonnet

To love you more sincerely
my thoughts do cling to verse lines
and I write a lovely sentence for you
as if you fit into the silences between the words

You Do Sneak Into My Poems (Refrain Stanza)

(in answer to Joan Hambidge)

I notice the impression of your eyes and face
and to me our love is intimate and more than a kind of grace.

I Have Forgotten How It Feels To Loose Someone

(in answer to Joan Hambidge)

I have forgotten how it feels to loose someone
where it starts with emotions and feelings

Summer Evening (Free Verse Sonnet)

I scrubbed red-brown dust from the children's feet,
from where they played in the afternoon barefoot in the summer,
stopped their teasing of each other and did put them to bed,
prayed and shared a story out of the Children's Bible,

Just The Existence Of A Man And Woman (Italian Sonnet)

You lie bent and spooned very cosily against me,
do tightly hug the white sheet and the one duvet
where comfortable in your deepest sleep you lay
From all of the other bedding you are totally free,

Lonely (Italian Sonnet)

(after William Bloke Modisane)

When I am so very lonely I do think of you only,
while in my heart the sadness wants to scream

Nobody Do Understand Me

(after Paul van Ostaijen)

Sometimes it's as if nobody can understand me,
although everything in my life is simple

Apocrypha: Psalm 31 (Kyrielle)

Where this old world does strike me down
I do now feel like a mere clown
but clear everything You do see.
Oh, my God, have mercy for me.

Apocrypha: Psalm 32

From light-years away in space and time
You are the architect, designer and creator
that do take care
of a insignificant small planet that is far away.

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