Grace Burke

Grace Burke Poems

You came into this world with a healthy, lustrous cry
This wonder of a little boy, my handsome little guy
This love I had for you as I nursed you at my breast
Filled my heart to overflow as I held you to my chest.

My dear friend, take my hand walk with me a way
Know that I will never leave, I will always stay
Nothing you can say will cost our friendship dear
I will always stand by you, of that you cannot fear.

Pick me a daisy, I don't need a rose
Give me the sunshine to tickle my toe
I don't need diamonds or jewelry of gold
I just need a lover to have and to hold.

We travel through this life, make friends along the way
Some will last forever, but many will not stay
We laugh, we learn, we cry and tell each other whims
But very seldom do we let another person in.

My tears fall, but no one sees them
My cries echo in the emptiness of my life

No one is there to comfort me

As you sleep in slumber I softly kiss your cheek
I try to convey my love for you with the mere whisper of my lips
The feelings that swell within my heart overwhelm me
How can it be possible to love someone this much.

When the storm clouds gather overhead
When the darkest of nights falls
I will stay near you, I'll hold you close
You need not ever call.

Where has the time gone, what happened to my teens
What's happened to my twenties, my fifties and between
The time has gone to quickly, the time has gone so fast
Tomorrow's already been here it is now the past.

Evening fades and night descends
All is at peace, the mind can mend
With rest comes sleep and then the dreams
They may not be all they seem.

When did the love turn into hate
When did you turn me into someone else
I was a pacifist, but you made me fight
I valued tranquility, but you evoked discord.

I stand alone in the desert of life
Lost in the vastness of its loneliness
I thirst for the water of friendship
I yearn for the refreshing rain of love.

When the night turns into day
And the darkness fades away
When the golden rays of sun
Let me know the days begun.

I sit and watch the snowfall as it lays upon the ground
It's blanket of pure whiteness muffles every sound
The glistening of the sun as it sparkles on the snow
Brings warmth into my heart, even though it's five below.

Morning comes slowly as the darkness of night recedes
But the bleakness of my thoughts linger
Will the light of the new day dispel them
Can the freshness of the new day cleanse my soul


My beautiful cat of twenty years now lingers at deaths door
I hold her in my loving arms, soon she will be no more
She has been my constant friend, through good times and the bad
The loss of life for one so dear, makes me very sad.

The night wind whispers softly as I nestle in your arms
I feel so loved and cherished and protected from life's harms
You came to me in friendship, to help when life got tough
I never thought I'd love again, I thought once was enough.

I sit and watch the sun set as the day turns into night
As golden rays of sunshine lose their brilliant light
Will this be how my life is, the fading of the years
The losing of togetherness, the shedding of my tears.

I met a special man who means all the world to me
He listened when I needed him, he helped to make me see
He never did condemn me, he let me have my cry
Not once did he accuse me and never questioned why

The darkness of the night creeps into my soul
The pain of loss is amplified by its intensity
Where did I go wrong, what did I do wrong
To not know makes the loss that much greater.

Life is but a road with many twists and turns
It's filled with ups and downs with lessons to be learned
Some times we take the wrong path that leads to hurt and pain
Then we just must backtrack and take another lane.

Grace Burke Biography

registered nurse who loves to write)

The Best Poem Of Grace Burke

Goodbye My Son

You came into this world with a healthy, lustrous cry
This wonder of a little boy, my handsome little guy
This love I had for you as I nursed you at my breast
Filled my heart to overflow as I held you to my chest.

As you grew you learned to walk, learned to talk and toss a ball
I was there to cheer you on, pick you up when you would fall
You use to love to cuddle as the day turned into night
Everything was perfect, everything was right.

The years went flying by, the school years came at last
I thought that I'd be happy, but I yearned to have the past
I missed my little buddy who'd thought mommy was the best
Now his world held many friends, I was jealous, I confess.

The school years came and went as quickly passed the time
My little boy was now a man, he was no longer mine
He vowed to help his country, to try to make things right
So he joined the U.S. army and went away to fight.

I now stand by his graveside, he shall no longer roam
He'll never walk this land again, he has finally come home
My little boy, my buddy, who was only twenty-five
Why did you have to leave, why did you have to die.

A part of me is lowered into that dark, dark grave
I wish that it was me in there, I wish that you could stay
My tears of sorrow flow for that part of me that's gone
My heart is filled with anguish, for my little boy I long.

Grace Burke Comments

Nadia Glasner 20 May 2015

Thank you for the kind comment on my poem. I read all of yours and I loved them! ~ You can tell it's all heart felt. my best friend almost made me cry. lol. Keep up the good work. Your poems are the type I like to read. God Bless.

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