Gracie lou

Gracie lou Poems

No one seems to understand the pleasure
With every mouthful it gets harder to measure

Give us chocolate give us fruit

Bang! Its hit you
The Solution
The conclusion to your problem

Your eyes were once the window
The window to my happiness

They were once my salvation

What do you see? be honest she asks
I see a beautiful young lady with
morals and attributions of the new age adult
You are fair, clever, and I am so proud of you

Okay you found him
Welldone, congrats, I am pleased
May I ask have you repented?

I can write poetry too
Its quite easy really
It doesn't matter what,
Sophisticated pattern you produce


I am angry, I am low
I feel different, I want you to go
I feel new, I feel calm
I feel overprotective, I dont want them

Love is a strange wonderful twisted fool
Nothing can stop its path
It flows with ease to open hearts
It makes that little bit of difference

You stand and speak and everyone seems to listen
Or you stand and hope that evryone is listening

You cry and get every ounce of comfort


I cant I just cant
no matter how hard I try
What can I possibly say
How can it be said

Have you ever had time
Time by yourself
Time to think
Time to reflect

The Silent Sin, you can not see
It knows no bounds
It does not care for the lives of others
It creeps and hides from all eyes

Gracie lou Biography

I am someone who is finally living the way she wants, and writing the way she feels. I am young and free and wish to stay like this for a very long time. I am not going to do the deep and meaningful biography as there is really no need for one at my age I have to much to see and enjoy in life!)

The Best Poem Of Gracie lou

For The Love Of Chocolate Fondue

No one seems to understand the pleasure
With every mouthful it gets harder to measure

Give us chocolate give us fruit
Forget the Sex no matter how cute!

From just the very first bite
We have found o our delight
Something hot and lush to quench our appetite

It dont ditch you for something better
It dont tell you how you are wrong
It dont make you do something you dont wanna do
Chocolate fondue o yes Chocolate Fondue is only going to concentrate on you!

We have no idea why we have such a love
For the delicious melt in your mouth Treat
All we know is that what men are not able to give us we can eat
So give us chocolate and leave all of the men
But we might consider giving it all up
If the man was a F***ing perfect 10!

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