Ramesh T A Grief Poems

Time Gap In Gay And Grief In Human Life!

Like day and night are part of a day, gay and grief are in world life of all;
There is equal time gap between day and night unlike gay and grief in human life;
This gap variation between gay and grief varies from each and everyone here;
Why is this variation there and what will happen if it is not so in human life?

A Grief Message!

When grief stricken
And the heart is full of pain
Of loss of dear one
All beautiful things of Nature

Best Diversion To Overcome Nightmarish Grief!

By what means, can nightmarish grief be overcome to feel peace in life?
Cause for grief needs to be analyzed, but if insolvable, diversion is necessary;
Entertainment through music, movie or Poetry may be of great help sure;
But final course will be only with the comfort of love and recovery is possible!

Take Joy And Grief As Same In Life!

Is adventure inevitable or avoidable for living settled working life?
No one can escape from obligations and duties in world life sure...;
When a new situation has to be faced, there adventure one has to take
To settle matter or solve problem to go on the smooth road in life..!

Wisdom Prunes Up All To Overcome Grief!

Men may come and men may go, but life goes on ever;
These sentiments and emotions we have here only
that affect human beings with good heart sure...!

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