Harry J. Couchon Jr Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Parent's Nightmare

Of all life's pains, there's nothing worse
Than seeing one's child carried away in a hearse
All the time crying, asking God why
Why Dear God did she have to die?

Dreams Or Reality

Are dreams reality, or is reality a dream
Asleep, does our subconscious travel
To worlds and lives as solid as this one
Or is our reality someone else's 27316dream

My Baby Girl

From the day you were born I knew
That my reason for living was you
My baby girl, my source of pride
For you, and from you, my love I'll never hide

Thank You God For Creating Women

Soft, sultry, mysterious, gorgeous
Thank You God for creating women
And giving us men a reason for living
Loving and being loved by these wonderful creatures

Even If You Don'T Love Me Anymore

We've gone our separate ways you and I
Walked out of each others lives forever
Still some mornings I wake missing you
And I wonder do you ever miss me

God Thank You For Daughters

Daughters God bless them
Little girls that grow to become women
But to a daddy they're always his little girls
Even after they make him a grandfather

When A Child Dies

Nothing can bring tears to a man's eyes
Like the ones that fall when his child dies
If only he could have prevented it
Life's not worth living, if only he could quit

Too Young To Die

All I can do is sit here and cry
Because, in a grave my daughter does lie
Now she'll be forever sixteen
Oh how life can be so mean

I Thought I Heard An Angel Cry

I thought I heard an angel cry
That you've been hurt is the reason why
I could never forgive myself for doing this
If you can forgive me, give me a kiss

Being In Your Arms

If being in your arms was a prison
I'd beg for a life sentence
With no time off for good behavior

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