Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Change With An Age

Change with an age
Friday,29th Oct 2021
I go for the change
as it is thrust upon by the age

Congratulation, Poet

Congratulations Poet Hasmukh Mehta
Hasmikh Mehta 💙🤍💚
You will become known
when owning the responsibility

Pure Heart-Divinity

Pure heart- Divinity
Thursday,3rd Feb 2022
You have new secrets
to let

Know The Self

Know the self
Saturday,5th Feb 2022
You are only one
who has known!

Birthday Gift-Sania Zakir

Birthday gift-Sania Zakir
Tuesday,8h Feb 2022
The garden is no garden
if beautiful flowers are not seen

Deceiving The Soul

Deceiving the soul
Thursday,16th Dec 2021
Never commit a foul
and cheat the soul

Memory Doesn't Fade

Memory doesn't fade
Monday,13th Dec 2021
Memory doesn't fade
but makes you sad

A Healthy Habit

Fun making with others is very good habit
You must enjoy it fully but bit by bit
If you are fun loving person
You should feel elated for every reason.

A Hollow Promises

Hollow promises
Unethical behavior
Double speak
Unholy alliance

Air The Love

“I love you, I love you” aired the words
It came back with sharpness of swords
It had cut across the mountains and came back with echo
It had sweetness and softness of black cuckoo

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