Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal Poems

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Sing Daily

Sing daily

Our poetry stands as unique
Such is cause and basic

Special One

Special one

Be aggressive
But submissive too

Mother To Children

Seek No Answer

Seek no answer
Wednesday,22nd Dec,2021
You may seek answers
but for fewer questions

Poet Of The Week

simple poem
concerning them
we present as a team

Theme -Arrogance

• Arrogance
• Sunday,9th January 2022

• Arrogance, Nakedness Greed, Erroneous, Behavior represents a concept that invites an anger. It results in anger., Arrogance is tolerated only when it has some honest reasons. Knowledge flows through the attitude. It not only influences fellow human beings, but creates an indomitable status in the society. Arrogance is an outcome of holding an excessive quality like higher education, rich background and political status. When a person stands tall, he considers others as an ordinary and small. Such an attitude earns him disfavor and wrath. So long luck is on his side, he survives. The moment his stars desert, He faces insults from all over.

My Pledge-2022

My pledge-2022
Thursday,6th January 2022

Let people know my form

Discrimination In Any Form

Discrimination in any form
Monday,3rd Janjaryh 2022
the word and approach invite condemnation

Not The Action But

Not the action but
Wednesday,29th Dec,2021
Not the movement
but judgment

Poetry & Poets

Poetry and poets
Sunday,2nd January 2022
Poetry and poets
all remain set

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