Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal Poems

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A Sun Not To Set

You might have reached to the highest peak
Your success may have telling effect and loudly speak
Your may appear in record of world books
Still many may term you lair and crook

A Concen Not A All

Life has not concerned me at all
I have responded to her every call
I did attempt not witness any fall
I scaled highest peak and crushed the wall

A Lame Can Scale

Can lame person scale the peak?
If God is pleased then yes even if he is weak
When mentally retarded can understand and speak?
You can retain your position even if others try to break

A Hard To Say Good Bye

It is very hard to say good bye
You may loose the strength even if you try
You can’t bear the separation
To loose him or her permanently is out of question

A Suffering With Pain

We are undergoing sufferings and pain
There is no end in sight and all our efforts are in vain
There is complete lack of confidence and brain drain
We on verge of loosing everything including life train

A Little Home

It is home, sweet home that counts on and matters
In my sound sleep also sometimes I utter
I long for those atmosphere and beautiful walls
Some type of magnetic pull that always gives call

A Need To Afford

I can’t afford to remain off the guard with endless wait
I follow simple path and go straight
All worldly desires don’t appeals to me and fall on deaf ears
As if everything has been drained out with the passing of years

Leaving A Home

I made poetry sites as a happy home
But no enthusiasm from members to welcome
Just scant respect and no worry if some one goes or come
Only attachment to particular persons or some

Desert Flower

I am in interior part and known as desert flower
Rain is in scarce and rarely known what is called shower
May look some what strange but yes a reality
What else can be ruled out as distinct possibility!

Judge Me Correct

Forget me for ever if you can"
You are great poet but not a gentleman
He is loved one and you are dear
I shall not allow you to come near

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