Hubert Wilson

Hubert Wilson Poems

Wonder of the globe!
Expansive probe!
Important as Leopold and Loeb!
Respected as Jobe!

Andrew Jackson, known as Old Hickory.
George W, known as Old Trickery?
Andrew Jackson, the Hero of New Orleans battle.
George W, the Zero of New Orleans death rattle?

Arntine with her from Norway fled.
Needing family in Sweden instead.
Necessary for the other three.
International acclaim later of the highest degree.

All for the power of that little ball.
Their own bodies and reputations they did maul!

Searching by Matthew Christopher Whitley was about to bear fruit.
Ending years of pursuit.
Located in the Cleveland County seat.
Following in the steps of Vernon Louis Parrington's feet.

Mary had to know!
Was George's affair starting to blow?
With the seventh commandment question he went ballistic!

Oh, for a brother?
Or, a sister or any other?

Bobbie Jane Gaudette seethed with the deepest denial!
How could he leave her?
So frustrated with what he had done.
No hero to her -

Frightened airman from the Texas sky,
Fearful man who would jump to lie!
Man who meant not what he would say!
This craven man deserved the despised yellowest beret!

Really, W war is romantically great?
Only if it's not W's fate!
Money by W and his friends to be made.
America - completely played!

Gone in furious seconds that long ago autumn morn!
Only your life taken in that freak single car crash.
Others suffered wounded teenage pride and mere scratches.
Done was our earthly friendship.

</></>Russian Empress Elizabeth reigned in the18th century in secret fear!
As work continued on the St. Petersburg Winter Palace year after year.
The seemingly endless project was colossal!
Her execution free tenure was otherwise mostly docile

It is the evening of my life.
I sit and listen as politicians spin lie after lie.
Deceitful faces are all I see.
Does anyone else see?

April brought stunning spring wildflowers!
Photographing my young daughter amid nature's Bluebonnet showers.
Pinkerton Elementary School included her favorite in its yearbook.
Asking Erin why this one picture had a special look?

Comparing George W. Bush to retarded cowboys -
Clearly for cattlemen embarrasses and annoys!

'Do NOT ever besmirch the good reputation of a retarded cowboy! ' -

Stranded and disregarded!
Home of the military's seemingly discarded!
Everyone on the remote island marooned!
Most forlornly impugned!

Incredulous was the crowd!
No questions were allowed.
Craft had descended from the sky.
Opening to reveal the strangest guy.

Reprobate politician who makes many irate!
Insidious and widely invidious!
Corrupting and indeed disrupting!
Kitsch believer who favors the lobbyist niche!

Hubert Wilson Biography

R20250-1 Life is just 'Another Code of Albert Pike'? Living under the power of 32 and 33? Just a 'child' of Lt. John James Goodfellow, Jr.? Write, Goodbuddy?)

The Best Poem Of Hubert Wilson

Curious Michael?

Wonder of the globe!
Expansive probe!
Important as Leopold and Loeb!
Respected as Jobe!
Deliberating Michael, 'What's under the judge's robe? '

Hubert Wilson Comments

Kayode Peter Ogunleye 16 April 2008

the theme of your poems are really great. .........................

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