Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added

Philae has gone outside to play,
In a new unknown neighborhood,
Hopping about in bumpy way,
Finding a spot both bad and good.


An avalanche came right at me.
I had no time to get away.
It all went dark and stuck I be.
I never have been one to pray.

Bo And The Play Through

In Hawaii, the Prez and I
Were doing our golfing thing,
Which left a wedding high and dry
On the 16th hole Prez' golf swing.

Trumpet Of The Swan

I'm Louie, trumpeter swan,
Born without a trumpeting voice.
I get something to get it on,
A real brass trumpet is my choice.

Thanks To Mom

Mom birthed the cutest baby girl,
Who in her crib would dance divine,
With a head full of golden curl.
Mom took this as a destined sign,

Zebra Zooing - Lincoln Park Zoo

Zebra is what humans call me.
Heard a lot at Lincoln Park Zoo,
The place where I am meant to be,
Cuz I have so much work to do,

Cotton Top Tamarin

A cotton top tamarin be
With an 'Einstein' shock of white hair,
A small Columbia monkey
Eating the insects and plants there,

Slender Man

The Slender Man from the mindset
Of Web weavers who weave a guy,
Slender, tall and faceless who met
With children - be his evil eye.

Psycho Pilot

A plane missing suspiciously.
Theories on what happened to it.
The pilots under scrutiny.
Something rotten from the cockpit?

Mother Gorilla - Lincoln Park Zoo

M is for the Milk you do make
to feed me so that I will grow
O is for the Outings we take,
me on your back and off we go.

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