Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Pet Peeve

You just up and push me away
From a perfectly good leg hump.
Others smell farts - 'twas me you say.
We both know their real source of rump.


Africa has no tiger cat,
But boasts having the tigerfish.
Oh my, what razor sharp teeth that
I have to use in yearning wish

Beaver Leaver

I am a beaver with a butt,
With a musky vanilla scent,
Thanks to castor glands in my gut,
Producing sense pleasing content.

Dr. Benjamin Rush

George Washington, he criticized
As a general quite inept.
Then he later apologized,
And to himself, such thoughts he kept.

Bush Baby Baby - Lincoln Park Zoo

A bush baby baby am I,
Bouncing 'neath the baobob tree.
Not sure I'm a gal or guy,
But Lincoln Park Zoo's home to me.

Rock - Paper - Scissors

Rock - paper - scissors, a hard game
To choose a winner of two folk.
Pick a gesture that wins - the aim.
Pick scissors and two fingers poke.

Gunners Be Gone

Gun laws - Chicago's got a load,
And we're always whining for more.
But for years, statistics have showed
Law enforcement is very poor.

Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher and the press
Gave each other a lot of flack.
Journalists 'round her did possess
Lots of foreign knic and knac -

Murray Hall

1800's - no womens' lib,
So New York City's Murray Hall
Began to tell a little fib,
'Twas just politics after all.

Soccer Field Of Dreams - Lincoln Park Zoo

This zebra shows what I can do
As I practice my soccer skills
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Doing various practice drills.

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