Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added

I am Lizzie Borden of fame,
For axing to death my Daddy
And Mommy. In the skip rope game,
They chant the whacks I did in glee.

That Time Of Month

The wolf man comes into the house,
And plops into his easy chair.
'How was your day, dear? ' askes his spouse.
The wolf man gives her a mean stare.

What About Me?

Yes, it was a bad hurricane.
The order to evacuate -
I know all about, clear and plain.
But it's my choice as to my fate.


A far off place called Vietnam,
I'd never heard of it before.
The greetings came from Uncle Sam,
And I was shipped there to wage war.

Tree Attack

An old elm tree stands all alone
On top of a small barren hill.
It's strange that nothing else has grown
Around the tree, and all is still.

Skip The Toaster

An old couple in a drug store
Had questions for the pharmacist.
The couple were both 94.
They had a whole prescription list

Wounded Knee

It happened on Wounded Knee Creek,
At a camp of Lakota Sioux.
The 7th Cavalry did seek,
On orders, to take the tribe to

Nature's Bride

Willian Faulkner asked a dear friend
To go with him to see a bride,
Dressed in her gown of gorgeous blend.
Faulkner had a romantic side,

Play Ground

Mozart died and was laid to rest
In a town cemetery plot.
Later, townspeople did attest,
Music was coming from that spot.


Oscar's been with us for a while.
The nursing home is his home too.
With that friendly whiskery smile,
Through the halls with his cats eye view,

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