Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Bald Barbie

Barbie has survived ups and downs,
Been through 10 U.S. Presidents,
In and out of fashion trend gowns,
Doll of ages, Mattel presents.

Billion In Time

A billion years ago - Earth formed,
And was rotating the sun.
A billion days ago there stormed
Ice ages across U.S. run.

Pope Scope

Don't mess with the Catholic Church.
Galileo learned the hard way,
When from his scientific perch,
Earth moved around sun, he did say.

Alzheimer's Attack

Somehow, somewhere, sometime there will
For Alzheimer's be found a cure,
But not before so many ill
Have more suffering to endure,

Take Theirs

The bigger that Big Gov has got,
The smaller the chance there will be
That smallifying will be sought,
If it's a negative on me.


A picture's worth a thousand words,
So bin Laden most probably,
In poses not of his preferreds,
Was pictured dead as dead can be.

Title Idol

Prince Charles Philip Arthur George,
The Prince of Wales, heir to the throne,
Has noble titles that would gorge -
Cannot just be a prince alone.

No Gwtw2

'Gone with the Wind' was the one book
Margaret Mitchell wrote and had
Published. She never undertook
Any sequel, which some thought sad.

Rid Napper

So I did take a little snooze.
It's not like I had left the job.
Those high and mighty air line crews
Just like to bellyache a gob,

River Way

I am a rising up once more,
As a river does now and then.
I've done so countless times before.
It's time to flood forth once again.

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