Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
"They're Back" - Lincoln Park Zoo

Here comes young rhino, Romeo,
To check out if it's really true -
Visitors beginning to show
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.

Cute Duty - Lincoln Park Zoo

This spoonbill chick, a few weeks old,
Is getting used to humans that
Come by - the chick's getting more bold
In checking out the habitat.

Kicks - Lincoln Park Zoo

Zebra, Adia's soon to be
A Mom again, and so she is
Going about quite patiently,
Minding her own and baby's biz.

Red Footed Tortoise - Lincoln Park Zoo

We red footed tortoises do
Like to lounge about in the sand
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
We feel the rest spells to be grand.

"Spec"Tacular - Lincoln Park Zoo

A spectacled caiman I be.
I am a reptile that is in
The crocodilus family.
Crocs and gators are cousin kin.

Switch - A - Rue

The old man could not hear too well,
So the doc was checking him out.
In the left ear the doc could tell
Something was stuck in there about.

Porcupine How To

The female porcupine does choose
The male with whom she wants to mate.
And then the chosen male pursues
A ritual to copulate.

Fast Track

A snail crawled on a turtle's shell.
Of that fact it was unaware,
And as far as the snail could tell,
It was on a rock that was there.

New Mates For Old Jack - Lincoln Park Zoo

Old Jack, the meerkat, was alone.
All his buddies had passed away.
So Queen and her two daughters own
Came to Lincoln Park Zoo to stay.

Piping Plover - Lincoln Park Zoo

A piping plover bird I be.
As an ambassador I try
To let the public know that we
In the wild are threatened and why.

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