Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Gone Fishing - Lincoln Park Zoo

This bear does like to fish, I do,
Often a sitting in the stream,
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Catching a fish a daily dream.

John Mccain

Farewell Senator John McCain.
You served the nation long and well,
A hero who endured the pain
From many years in Hanoi hell.

This Little Piggy... - Lincoln Park Zoo

This little piggy keeps an eye,
At Lincoln Park Farm in the Zoo,
On the keeper who is nearby.
Wonder what the keeper's up to!

Make Sense Of It - Lincoln Park Zoo

What the colobus monkeys do
When there shows up a pile of ice,
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Is set their senses on precise.

Peck It Out - Lincoln Park Zoo

Tiz a corn on the cob to do,
And the chickens do peck away,
At Lincoln Park Farm in the Zoo.
And recording the snack display -

Lunch For Linda - Lincoln Park Zoo

Cinereous vulture, Linda, is
Looking for something good to eat,
And spies a pile of ice, gee whiz!
Wherein there is lots of chilled meat.

Cutey Alert- Lincoln Park Zoo

A furry ball of cute, I do
See a keeper who's watching me
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo.
So this dwarf mongoose posingly,

World Snake Day 2020 - Lincoln Park Zoo

On World Snake Day the snakes bid you,
All humans, have a learning day.
These snakes be from Lincoln Park Zoo,
As ambassadors on display.

Sealed With A Tongue - Lincoln Park Zoo

Slater, the seal, decides to do
A special "Howdy" to those at
Slater's home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Visiting the seal habitat.

World Chimpanzee Day 2020 - Lincoln Park Zoo

Twenty twenty, July fifteen,
This day is World Chimpanzee Day.
From Lincoln Park Zoo can be seen
Chimp efforts in many a way.

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