Ima Ryma Poems

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Iraq In History

'Infidels' did carve up the land,
Including what became Iraq.
And mostly blood has drenched the sand,
As cultures fight to take time back.

Wisdom Bird

I am called Wisdom and I be
The oldest wild bird that be known.
1951 - who hatched? Me!
Over three million miles I've flown.


I watch my comrades one by one,
Leaves leaving the limbs we have known.
Our season's over and done.
I take this last trip of my own,

A Priceless Gift

Sitting alone on a bench, I
Waited for the bus now quite late.
Every few minutes I would sigh,
Bemoaning my unlucky fate.


During each day I try to find
Some time and place to sit in peace,
Empty the clutter from my mind,
Let ills temporarily cease,


I am a leaf that came in spring,
And take my place with many more.
It is just a natural thing.
But there are times I've yearning for

Medical Advice

In my old age I like to take
A tub bath long and leisurely.
A special wall rack I did make
For liquors and mixes to be.

Flipped My Lid

I went to a Starbucks and did
Order some coffee which I got.
Walking away, off popped the lid.
I felt pain from spilt coffee hot.

Do Good

Do good for others I was taught.
I think I do know what good is.
And do it for others a lot.
Some tell me to mind my own biz.

Joy For Life

When I was younger I did try
To end my life by suicide.
I thought it better if I die,
Better for loved ones if I died.

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