Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Jumping Spider

A jumping spider I am called.
I am a spider and I jump.
My limbs are fluidly hydrauled,
And lift me off in super pump.

Soccer No Sale

In the U.S.A., soccer tiz
A game to be played more by kids.
Hard ball to sell as money biz
In the sports world of profit grids.

Racism Acquired

A newborn babe is racist free.
Racist levels that fill one's mind
Come from others like family,
Flowing ever through humankind,

School Prayer

We used to say a prayer in school.
But then one day, it was not said.
Something 'bout a Supreme Court rule.
I even heard that God was dead.

Marriage Means...?

For centuries, marriage has been
Men and women tying the knot.
Same sex marriage - oh God, a sin!
Polygamy still has a slot.

Special Olympics Inspire

The Special Olympics inspire
All humankind to strive to be
The creation of God's desire
To live in peace and harmony,

Myth Of Chupacabra

The chupacabra got its name
From humans who did swear they'd seen
A spiny creature with the fame
As killing, blood sucking machine,


Humans call me the Caddisfly.
I got the name from caddys men,
Vendors, who to their clothes would tie
Their wares to sell round way back when.


We were in the main dining room.
Our parents called us to see
The landing that would turn to doom -
The Hindenburg in New Jersey.

School Spirit

I teach a college course on ghosts.
A graduate student, I am,
Not given to a lot of boasts,
But students flock to my program.

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