Iris Ixora

Iris Ixora Poems

I woke up…
You have gone
Leaving my heart with thorns
Tearing my soul, I mourn.

Is it because winter has gone
and spring has come
when flowers blooming
birds chirping?

As I was walking to school
I saw this little plant
On the old brick wall
With a little purple flower.

You were here
Singing along all the songs
We both love to hear

These flowing tears
Not because of my revenge
My hatred
My anger

When your love and my love unite
Words gone
And we yearn.

Airmata kekasih yang mengalir ini
Bukan kerana dendamku

Saat cintaku dan cintamu bersatu
Lidah jadi kelu
Bibir turut membisu
Kita dibuai rindu.

Kita adalah sahabat dulu
yang masih mengintai rindu
di balik tabir usia yang memamah waktu...

Christchurch, you woke us up!

It's time when daffodils are blooming,
Colourful tulip buds start bursting,

When it comes
With the throbs
Tearing, pinching and pearcing
Like pins and needles

Bila rindu bertamu
hati kita diragut pilu
kita jadi keliru.

I sit and wait
Till leaves turn
Yellow, orange, red and brown
Falling on the ground.......

As little as you can see
As fragile as you can touch
As bright as the rainbow colours
i am here...

Seperti malam-malam kelmarin
aku sering berbicara
hanya dengan-MU dan diriku
tentang dia - seorang lelaki.

Winter falls
yet still warm
spring peaks
yet still flourish

The Best Poem Of Iris Ixora

My Crying Soul

I woke up…
You have gone
Leaving my heart with thorns
Tearing my soul, I mourn.

My heart bleeds and pleads:
“Oh, Mighty God,
please do not make me deaf
before I could answer your voices;
Please do not make me dumb
before I could say, ‘yes, I do love you’;
Please do not make me lame
before I could run into your arms;
Please do not make me blind
bBefore I could see into your eyes.”

You have gone
You have passed on
But your love stays on
Day by day
Deeper and deeper
I miss you more than ever.

In my crying soul
You live forever...

London,6 January 2006
(Specially dedicated to my beloved parents and godparents…)

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