ivor or ivor.e hogg Poems

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The Write Place For M Lady Chitra

The river here runs slow and deep
The banks on either side are steep
and covered well with foliage.
Through which small creatures slyly creep.

Grown Men Do Cry

Old memories which linger still.
Can bring the tear drops to my eyes
Sometimes they take me by surprise
and cause my tears to freely spill.

Beneath The Surface 09

I choose my friends instinctively.
Signals received unconsciously
decide compatability
I am convinced accurately.

A Monumental Task For My Grandaughter Chitra

A garden walled in rose red brick.
Which traps the sun and holds the heat
our forbears did not miss a trick.
Few modern gardens can compete.

Applied Psychology For M Lady Ernestine

When I was just a little lad
sometimes I used to hate my dad.
It was his job so he taught me.
I must pay for being naughty

Winter Night For Friend Hunter

Though almost imperceptibly. The snow was falling steadily,
unruffled by the slightest breeze. To coat the branches of the trees,
with layers of the purest white, which sparkle in the pale moonlight.
The contrast pleasing to my eyes. Beneath the trees a blanket lies

Singular Duality For M Lay Catrina

The moon against the blue black night
A symbol of serenity
Bathes the world with silver light
a touch of surreality.

Unwritten For C.P.Sharma

I bought a new anthology
of poems from the First World War.
I offer no apology
The poetry filled me with awe.

Paid In Full For Friend Leslie

Like a feathered arrow flying.
Straight and true but silently
Speeds the message of your dying
a missile you won’t hear or see.

Dancing Words For Friend Mark Slaughter

There’s more to writing poetry,
than choosing your words carefully.
Selecting words you know will rhyme.
You must consider too the time

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