Applied Psychology For M Lady Ernestine Poem by ivor or ivor.e hogg

Applied Psychology For M Lady Ernestine

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When I was just a little lad
sometimes I used to hate my dad.
It was his job so he taught me.
I must pay for being naughty
He took his slipper to my bum
and beat me like kettle drum.

He taught me there was a price to pay
each time I chanced to go astray.
He was determined to teach me
that I could not go scot free.
He was responsible for m
and took his duty seriously.

Unlike the spoilt brats of today
who simply go their own sweet way.
Now Dads are not allowed to tan
their backsides. So they think they can
misbehave with impunity
Upset the whole community.

Todays child care experts advise
you cannot physically chastise
For they see this as child abuse.
The experts say you cannot use.
My Das applied psychology
involving slippers bums and knees

I general I obey the law
but I believe they should restore.
A fathers right to teach his kid
In the way my father did.
I still remember easily
the lessons I learned painfully.

http: // blog

Ernestine Northover 31 October 2009

Children have no frame to work to no aim in life anymore. They need control and sometimes a smack is what makes them remember not to do things again. Words don't seem to work, they just throw words back and not nice words at all. It all started when the teachers said that children had to express themselves. Chaos took over and now there is no congtrol whatsoever. You couldn't have said a truer word or written a truer poem. Love and hugs Ernestine XXX

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Ann Beard 17 January 2009

Well done Ivor I think the children were easier to like those days. regards Ann

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C.R. Clark 16 January 2009

A fine philosophy, tried and true. Another wonderful, rhyming, metered poem, Ivor. I do love to read such verse.. Best wishes Richard

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ivor or ivor.e hogg

ivor or ivor.e hogg

Hebburn.Co Durham U.K
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