Janet Ramsden

Janet Ramsden Poems

At rainbows end they dance on moonbeams
bathed in magenta skies.
They fly across blue oceans, where ancient
wisdom lies. Deep in exotic shades of jade

'I wandered lonely as a cloud, '
tryin' to fit in with a shapeless crowd.
The hens and the chickens, the
paper and pens.

A voice echoes then rebounds
to a figure laying still, on a
frame of wood and steel.
A stiff blanket of grey, his naked

Her body is tired and old,
ravaged with disease. Her
skin, frail and wrinkled and
blue veins protrude, so

Someone gave me a table, but said
'sorry, there are no chairs.'
What use is a damned table,
without any chairs.

Janet Ramsden Biography

Hi there, Janet is from Greater Manchester, England. I am an unpublished writer attempting poetry. I write short stories too, many of which have been well received on other websites so i decided to go further afield with my humble beginnings. I hope the readers of my work will enjoy and perhaps feel a connection or emotion while reading. Please feel free to comment. Feedback is essential to future developments in technique and style.)

The Best Poem Of Janet Ramsden

Indigo Children.

At rainbows end they dance on moonbeams
bathed in magenta skies.
They fly across blue oceans, where ancient
wisdom lies. Deep in exotic shades of jade
waters, healing angels await their call.

In a rainbows image they stand so tall,
when darkness prevails it buffers their fall.
Lightning strikes shards of gold,
eclectic shades in knights of old.
Their fire's in lanterns and billowing sails
amidst the haunting sounds of whales.
They ride eagles and horses
white winged in flight, assisting nomads
in their plight. Onwards and upwards
leading the way, to a greater understanding
of what is. Today.

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