Jim Yerman Poems

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The Circle Of Life

We discovered her this morning…as we walked along the street
A tiny bird with a spot of yellow…lying at our feet.

Deborah bent down and picked her up…not a feather disturbed on her head…

Old Fence

I love old fences…they remind me of an era…
an age that was simple and slow.
They are rustic, pastoral…picturesque…
and harken to a time long ago.

We Should Shoot Less Arrows

I ran across a poem Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote in 1845 entitled The Arrow and the Song...

I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;

Night Music

When the sun has finally slipped away
and the sky is devoid of light
I love to sit and listen
to the music of the night.


In geography it's called a confluence.
It's such a lovely word.
It's where two bodies of water come together
and meet to form a third.

The Wisdom Of A Fool

There is a timeless, fundamental truth the ancients would convey
that, when you stop to think about it, is apropos today.

lt has to do with knowledge, not the kind you gain in school,

How Precious Love Is

May we all be blessed (as we often say in the poetry biz)
Not only to fall in love
to understand how precious that love is.

Blessed To Learn Another Language

May we all be blessed to one day learn a second language
because as these new words in your unfurl
we find they open up another window in which to look out on the world

A Poem A Day

People sometimes ask me how I do it…how do I find a way…
how is it even possible…to write a new poem every day?

There really is no one answer to my daily poetry.

Internet Addiction

This morning when I woke up…let me take a second to reminisce
I had an uneasy feeling as if something was amiss.

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