Jim Yerman Poems

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Two Cats

Two stray cats went exploring out in the world one day
One found it much too boring the other bright and gay.

Numbers Do Not Lie

I’m no mathematician...I don’t know Pythagoras’s theorem from that simple ratio Pi
But after spending a few days with the grandchildren I know numbers do not lie.

Yes numbers play an important role as we travel down life’s path

School Spirit

Yesterday I told a story about Bryan, it mentioned the Olympic torch...and sweat
Suddenly I realized I hadn’t embarrassed our other two children yet...

The Golf Cart

Our city is golf cart friendly and now that we’re retired we thought, “Hey”
There’s a green way to get around and I can take it to work each day.”

So we drove to the golf cart showroom thinking, ‘How expensive can they be? ’

Peanut Butter & Jelly

In honor of National Peanut Butter and Jelly day I have my words arrayed
To pay homage and allegiance to the best sandwich ever made.

Donut Day

You can have your Christmas, Hanukkah, Easter or Thanksgiving holiday
But, in my mind nothing, holds a candle to today...it's Donut Day!

It is celebrated on the first Friday in June...every year without delay.

Kkk (?)

Bryan’s torch story is finished as is Ali’s blue hair tale of woe.
But we have three children which means we still have one to go.


The French painter Henri Matisse, one day, was talking about his vocation
When he was asked the question, "Henri, what is your inspiration? "

Matisse walked the questioner out to his garden and said, "I grow artichokes!


Humans tend to think we are better and intrinsically have more worth
Than all the other animals who co-habitate this Earth.

We think because we have a brain or so we all surmise

The Cloak Of Anger

I once knew a person who seemed angry all the time.
I did not know the reason- couldn't figure out the rhyme.

I never knew why she allowed her anger to surround her

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